Note from Julia Kuzmenko: “I recently had the privilege of working with a successful Los Angeles-based beauty model. Her desire to go above and above to make the lives of the photographers and she worked with simpler completely blew me away. She went above and beyond what, in my opinion, a typical model would do to be successful. I believe that what ultimately brought her to amazing gigs and the viral photos you may have seen previously was the very considerate, tenacious, and resourceful nature of her early modelling career. I hope all beauty models considered and handled their coworkers the same way as this girl!
Meet Jessica Cook, who exudes beauty both inside and out.
When I started modelling at the age of seventeen, I believed I understood the qualities a model should have. All I needed to do was follow instructions properly, emote the emotion I wanted to be “captured” on camera, have a range of positions I could effortlessly switch between, and not act like a BRAT while doing it at
Although I wasn’t totally incorrect, modelling was undoubtedly more complex than I had first imagined.
I began doing test photos with aspiring photographers since I knew I would need a solid book to get hired, and soon after that, I was asked for projects at
And one thing that those job requests all had in common—something I hadn’t noticed before—was “beauty.”
A specific kind of photography known as “beauty” places a strong emphasis on the face over all else. When I started reading articles online about how to become a successful beauty model, they all advised me to wear a strapless bra, clean hair, a freshly manicured face, and clean nails for the photo session.
I really clicked with the photographer I was working with on my third beauty model test; we were both having a great time and communicating well.I tried to use this as an opportunity to grill her on anything I could, but all I could come up with was a blanket question: “What is your biggest pet peeve as a beauty photographer? at
I should come around so I may look at her computer, she said.
There, I noticed a picture from a photo shoot she had done earlier that day.
She slightly enlarged the image of this stunning blue-eyed, blond-haired girl, so all I could see was a plethora of little blonde hairs covering her cheeks and chin. We call this microscopic facial hair “peach fuzz.”
“This is my worst nightmare as a retoucher and my biggest pet peeve,” she added as she carried on the chat. Now I have to get in there and take out every single tiny hair on her face so that her pores can open again at
I was astounded beyond belief. I had no notion that a camera could capture “peach fuzz,” but macro lenses are what photographers employ to capture beauty. With the use of a macro lens, which is specifically made for taking close-up photos, photographers may fill the frame with the subject and get more detailed shots.
A lens that essentially displays your skin’s pores is unforgiving!
“What would you have had the model do differently to prevent you from having to do so much work in Photoshop?” I then posed the question to her.
“I would have her remove her facial hair,” she retorted. I could have spared myself hours of retouching if she had simply taken care of it before she arrived for that close-up photo session at
I made sure to arrive at my next photo shoot with neat hair, freshly painted nails, a nude bra, and a cleanly shaven face.
“You have absolutely NO hair on your face!” the photographer observed to me as she made me turn to look at a close-up of my lips during the photo session. There is a little “peach fuzz” on everyone’s face.
It was profitable!
To set the record straight, everyone has a little “peach fuzz” on their face; in fact, this is entirely normal, but retouchers find it very annoying
All of this was done to find out exactly what happens behind the scenes. It’s critical for models to understand what it takes to run a smooth picture session and how to make the experience enjoyable for all
We should take great care of our skin because photographers want to deal with models who are professional and who take pride in their look and career. It is quite difficult for the team to work with a beauty model who isn’t taking care of her skin.
As a model, the canvas is you. Since you are the one who makes the picture come to life, especially if you are a beauty model, take care of your skin to avoid missing out on opportunities at
All in all, no matter what kind of modelling you do, capturing an image requires a team of people. Therefore, you will be performing your job as a model correctly if you have a positive attitude towards the people you are working with and show respect for their time at
Although it requires a lot of labour and dedication, the rewards can include “iconic” photos and a special process that the entire team will treasure.
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